Generalized IoT Environments &
Privacy Decision Making


UX Researcher | Designer

The Challenge


  • IoT serves as a platform to connect a multitude of devices.


  • Smart Environments like Smart cities of future will have numerous sensors which may want to consistently access information of a person moving around in the environment.



  • Notifications as a means of privacy management may not work because of intrusiveness and eventual choice overload for the user



  • The context in which privacy needs to be managed is much more broader as compared to any other IoT like Smarthome  or Healthcare



Design of Experiment


  • Contextual scenarios were presented to 200 participants


  • Scenario is a combination of 5 different parameters
    • Who
    • What
    • Where
    • Reason
    • Persistence


  • Each participant is shown 14 scenarios



 A device of a friend (Who) records your video to detect your

presence (What). This happens continuously (Persistence), while you are at someone else’s place (Where), for your safety (Persistence)


  • Participants answered two types of questions:
    • Attitude (Is this scenario Risky? Are you Comfortable with This scenario?)
    • Decision (Would you allow/reject this scenario?)

Results and Design


  • 'Who', as in which IoT device is trying to access information in the provided context has the strongest effect on decision


  • The effect of parameters (Who, What...) on Behavioral Intention (Allow/Reject) is Mediated by attitudes (Risk, Comfort, Appropriates)


  • 'Where', as in the location where information is being exchanged does not have a significant effect on Behvioral Intent.


  • Since 'Who' has the main effect on participant behavior, hence it is shown to the user at the very first page of UI.